5 beauty habits that are ruining your skin

17 Apr 2024

1. Insufficient cleaning of the skin

Cleansers pave the way for beautiful skin: they remove dirt and make-up residue, thereby preparing the skin for subsequent care, and some products even soothe, nourish, and moisturize it.


2. Go to bed without removing your makeup

If you periodically fall asleep with a ballast of decorative cosmetics, the eyelashes will noticeably lose in quality and quantity, in addition, the products are most likely to get on the mucous membrane and cause eye infections.


3. Neglect SPF

Be sure to check that your product protects against both UVB and UVA rays. UVB rays are medium wavelengths of ultraviolet radiation that are most active between 10 am and 4 pm. The damage from them is immediately noticeable: these are sunburns.


4. Not getting enough sleep and not drinking enough water

Sufficient water intake allows the skin to be adequately hydrated, which means that premature loss of its elasticity does not threaten you.


5. You don't eat right

A passion for healthy eating is the cornerstone of caring for your face and body.

